Alhamdullilah, as the moon for Muharram 1444 is sighted all over the world, we are blessed to witness another month of Muharram. Many of us will be attending lectures and sessions online and in person, wanting to get as much benefit from these blessed moments as possible.
As we begin this period, let us spend a few moments to become mindful of the purpose of these gatherings so that these moments bring us maximum value and baraka. Let us set our intentions to show up as our best selves for the Holy Prophet (saw) reminded us that the basis of any deed is in the intention with which we do it.
The primary purpose of these gatherings, as we all know, is to commemorate and remember the suffering and the sacrifices of the family of the Prophet (SAW) when they stood up to injustice and tyranny on the plains of Karbala in the year 680 AD and 61AH. Â
The house of Fatima, which was slaughtered on the Day of Ashura, 61 years after the Hijrat of the Holy Prophet (as), is a very generous househo...
Salaams Friends
This year the lecture series is calledÂ
Practice and Pursuit of Ihsan
The videos can be found on YouTube channel LivingtheQuran
Salaams Friends
This year the lecture series is calledÂ
Practice and Pursuit of Ihsan
The videos can be found on YouTube channel LivingtheQuran
Salaams Friends
This year the lecture series is calledÂ
Practice and Pursuit of Ihsan
The videos can be found on YouTube channel LivingtheQuran
Salaams Friends
This year the lecture series is calledÂ
Practice and Pursuit of Ihsan
The videos can be found on YouTube channel LivingtheQuran
Salaams Friends
This year the lecture series is calledÂ
Practice and Pursuit of Ihsan
The videos can be found on YouTube channel LivingtheQuran
Salaams Friends
This year the lecture series is calledÂ
Practice and Pursuit of Ihsan
The videos can be found on YouTube channel LivingtheQuran
Salaams Friends
This year the lecture series is calledÂ
Practice and Pursuit of Ihsan
The videos can be found on YouTube channel LivingtheQuran
Salaams Friends
This year the lecture series is calledÂ
Practice and Pursuit of Ihsan
The videos can be found on YouTube channel LivingtheQuran
Salaams Friends
This year the lecture series is calledÂ
Practice and Pursuit of Ihsan
The videos can be found on YouTube channel LivingtheQuran
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